
Hazardous Waste Storage


Quantity limit:

The total quantity of HW stored on campus may not exceed 2,200 pounds (about 260 gallons) [to maintain Small Quantity Generator (SQG) status]

Monitoring: Physical Plant and Science Division will monitor the total quantity of hazardous waste in storage.

Sam Guth (660-785-4203, will record the total in campus storage on a monthly basis.

Container marking & labeling required:

Marked: Hazardous Waste
Type of waste
Date and name of person placing container in storage

Inspection: containers will be inspected weekly

Clean-up equipment: two(2) spill clean-up units at Dulaney-Baldwin site

Spill response and reporting: coordinated by Sam Guth (660-785-4203,

Storage locations

Magruder Hall, west side chemical storage building: HW from Science labs
Point of Contact: Elaine Scudder, 660-785-4631

Dulaney-Baldwin, garage south of Bldg #5: HW from Physical Plant and other Departments

Points of Contact: Sam Guth (660-785-4203,

The Kirksville Fire Department has been notified of these locations